
Health guidance shifts to taking personal health measures to mitigate viral transmission

宾州大学公园. - 2019冠状病毒病大流行已进入第四个年头, the federal 政府ernment has lifted the national Public Health Emergency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shifted from an emergency public health posture to recommending personal health precautions. 就像大流行开始时一样, JDB电子将继续遵循疾病预防控制中心对COVID-19的指导, and university officials urge all members of the Penn State community to take recommended preventative steps to keep themselves and others healthy.

“导致COVID-19的SARS-CoV-2病毒仍在传播, and we will continue to see ups and downs in the number of infections and transmission rates, 但我们已经克服了在这场大流行早期面临的许多挑战,Kelly Wolgast说, 副教学教授兼外联部副院长 & 罗斯和卡罗尔·奈斯护理学院的专业发展, 谁领导了学校的COVID-19运营控制中心(COCC)三年. “负担得起的测试很容易获得, we have safe and effective vaccines and boosters at nearly every pharmacy and health care provider, 有一些有效的治疗方法, and we know that masking when symptomatic and taking every day personal health and hygiene precautions effectively slow the spread of COVID-19. 有了这些工具和知识, 我们已经能够安全地回到一起,恢复正常的生活.”

而COCC则在6月30日之后停止运营, JDB电子将继续为学生提供支持和资源, 教师和工作人员预防和恢复COVID-19, 但也有一些重要的变化需要社区注意.


“有一件事没有改变, 而且很可能永远不会, 如果你生病了,指导是呆在家里远离他人吗,沃尔加斯特说. “This is the single most important factor in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and all other infectious diseases.”

接触过COVID-19的个人应该 遵循CDC的指导 根据需要进行屏蔽、测试和隔离.

Those who test positive should stay home and away from others for a minimum of five days and may leave isolation on day 6 if they have been asymptomatic or if their symptoms have improved and they don’t have a fever for at least 24 hours. They should continue to wear a high-quality mask when indoors around others through day 10. Individuals who continue to experience symptoms after day 5 should remain in isolation until they are fever free for at least 24 hours and their symptoms are improving. 10天后仍有症状者应就医.

Students who are unsure if they should see a clinician can call University Health Services’ 24/7 Advice Nurse line at 814-865-4847 option 3.

检测呈阳性的学生应通过电子邮件将结果报告给 (电子邮件保护) 接触者追踪将通过电子邮件向他们提供隔离日期. Students living off campus should self-isolate at home and wear a well-fitting mask when around their roommates. 住在校园里的学生被鼓励在家隔离, 如果可能的话, 因为专门针对COVID-19的校园隔离空间不再可用. The university will work with students who are unable to return home so that they can isolate themselves as safely as possible. Additional guidance regarding isolation will be provided to students living in campus housing.

教师 and staff who test positive should stay home and inform their supervisor as they would with other illnesses. Individuals whose symptoms and job responsibilities allow may continue to work remotely or they can use accrued sick time as needed.


取消了专门针对COVID-19的校园隔离空间, the university is no longer communicating students' isolation status to instructors. Students are expected to communicate directly with their instructors if they must miss class and/or lab related activities due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 and they are strongly encouraged to share their isolation dates provided by contact tracing with their instructors.


JDB电子强烈鼓励所有社区成员留下来 及时接种COVID-19疫苗,包括加强剂量. 在大学公园, students can make an appointment with University Health Services (UHS) 通过myUHS 接受现代二价增强剂. 需要初级疫苗系列的大学公园学生, 联邦校园的学生和教职员工应该去参观 疫苗.政府 去找疫苗供应商.

Penn State continues to ask that students share their most recent COVID-19 vaccine information with UHS. 大学公园、联邦校园和迪金森法学院的学生 可透过“大学保健处”上传接种纪录. The university is no longer collecting data on vaccination status of faculty and staff except where required by law.


在大学公园, students can schedule a COVID-19 test by making an appointment with a healthcare provider via myUHS. 除了, at-home rapid tests are available for students to pick up on a drop-in basis at UHS and upon request at 大学公园 residence hall commons desks during regular hours of operation. 在联邦大学校园, students should consult with their campus health center or Student Affairs regarding the availability of masks and tests.

Individuals should contact their health insurance provider to determine coverage for COVID-19 testing.


除了一些例外,校园的大部分区域不再需要遮盖. 除了这些领域, 哪些地方会有标识, 在生病或COVID-19检测呈阳性后戴口罩, the university encourages anyone who wishes to wear a mask on campus to feel free to do so.


Many of the mandates requiring health insurance providers to fully cover COVID-19 treatment and prevention expenses ended when the national Public Health Emergency was lifted on May 11. Information on how this change impacted the Penn State Highmark Blue Shield health plans can be 网上找到. Individuals with other health insurance plans should contact their provider to learn about their specific coverage.


JDB电子的研究人员将继续分析废水 on and near the 大学公园 campus to monitor changes in the amount of SARS-CoV2 virus that is detectable in the wastewater, 这可以作为COVID-19在社区传播的早期预警. 他们的数据可以在 宾夕法尼亚州废水监测系统网站.


With activities and public health guidance now settling on personal health prevention measures, the university has disabled its primary website offering information on the pandemic, virusinfo.事业单位.edu. 大学社区的成员应该参考 疾病预防控制中心网站 浏览有关流感大流行及预防的最新资讯.

有关COVID-19的更多信息请访问 UHS网站.

The university will continue to share any changes or developments with the community on 宾州州立大学新闻 今天在宾州州立大学.

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